
Wine Discovery. Wine Fun. Wine Friends.

Do more than taste wine – discover it

The American Wine Society is all about making wine knowledge exciting and fun!

Members explore wine together, through relaxed chapter tastings, a magazine, national tasting events and much more. American Wine Society has a great reputation in the wine industry, with remarkable relationships with winemakers, wineries, and wine-related businesses around the globe that give members access to incredible wines and experiences.

Your American Wine Society membership card opens the door to:

– Unique, exciting and informative wine tastings and other local chapter events, based on what you want to learn, not what the local retailer wants to sell. Join an existing chapter, start a new chapter, or join multiple chapters – its up to you how much you learn and engage with other members

– Recognition when visiting wineries and wine-related businesses around the US, many of whom offer discounts and/or free tastings to card-carrying members

– Chapters are included in a $1 million liability insurance carried by the American Wine Society (some exclusions and limitations)

– American Wine Society Wine Journal magazine

– American Wine Society News e-newsletter

– American Wine Society National Conference held in a different US location each year

– American Wine Society National Tasting Project that encourages members to taste and score wines, then compare to judged scores

– Amateur and Commercial Wine Competitions with discounted prices for members

– Wine cruises, tours, Eastern Winery Exposition, and other travel discounts for members

– American Wine Society Wine Judge Certification Program, a three year program

– WineSmarts I and II educational programs offered at the national conference

– Online educational materials

– Discounts through partners such as the Napa Valley Wine Academy


More than 7,000 American Wine Society members can’t be wrong. Consumers and wine professionals are invited to…

“I always look forward to our monthly chapter events. They are a great opportunity to get together with people, make new friends and learn about wine.”

– Member since 2021

“American Wine Society is the best place for folks who have newly discovered their interest in wine. It gives them an opportunity to understand and appreciate what makes a good wine, or a bad wine, for that matter. New members are able to spread their horizons by the mentoring of long time members, and of course the longtime members get to learn about new wines through the enthusiasm of new members. the circle of chapter life.”

– Member since 2009

Chapter Locations

Find or Start an American Wine Society Chapter

Please call 888-297-9070 for more information. Or to locate a chapter near you, search below and contact the Chapter Chair directly.

American Wine Society Chapters are forums for wine-loving members to share experiences and learn about wine. They are the backbone of American Wine Society.

      Member Discounts

      Get the most value from your membership — Wine-Related Discounts

      Among the many benefits of American Wine Society membership are wine discounts and wine education savings offered by our industry and other service partners. Most of these discounts could more than pay for your American Wine Society membership dues.

      Get the discount codes (log-in required)

      Wine Education Discounts

      Boost Your Wine Smarts

      We’re all about wine exploration at the American Wine Society. In addition to less-formal educational chapter events, we sponsor classes at the national level, including Wine Judge Certification Training, our WineSmarts series and National Training Project (NTP) instruction. For additional wine education opportunities, check out the wine course discounts available with our education partners:

      Napa Valley Wine Academy – 10% discount on published course prices, including Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET), both online courses or live in Napa, Santa Barbara, Orlando, Tampa, Denver, Cleveland, Las Vegas or Nashville.

      The National Wine School – As a token of appreciation for the Society’s members, the School offers a discount of up to $100 on all online wine courses for current members. 

      The fastest-growing sommelier accreditation agency in the USA, the National Wine School provides top-notch wine education through two platforms: a SCORM-compliant platform for university programming and a direct-to-student platform for online sommelier certification. Save 20% on tuition, up to $100. The discount does not apply to wine or other expenses.  

      The Wine Center – 10% discount on WSET II and WSET III online and in-person courses, exams must be taken in Nashville, St. Louis, Benton or Little Rock.

      Phillywine – Discount on in-person WSET classes in Philadelphia

      Winery & Restaurant Discounts

      When You Visit

      Your American Wine Society membership card identifies you as someone who is serious about wine. Many wineries and wine businesses appreciate your deeper interest in learning about their products and gladly offer free tastings, wine discounts and other perks.

      Some wineries are American Wine Society Professional Members or American Wine Society Welcome Here participants, so they know us on some level. Other wineries have heard of us, and many have not. Next time you visit a winery, present your current membership card and see what happens. It may help to explain about American Wine Society’s educational focus. Always be courteous and remember that you represent American Wine Society. Don’t forget to buy wine!

      Many members report great success, “easily saving the cost of membership on one weekend trip to wine country.”


      SEMIFREDDO Italian Restaurant, Manassas, VA
      Founder, Owner, and Chef for 23 years, Franklyn Hernandez, wants to share his passion for great dining and fine authentic Italian cuisine with AWS members.  This special discount includes half-priced select wine bottles all day Tuesday and Wednesday and 20% for AWS members showing their AWS membership card all other days.   


      Eastern Winery Exposition Discount

      Join us in March 2025 for networking, learning, equipment purchasing, wine tasting, meeting the experts, socializing, and sharing wine, knowledge, tips & techniques. The American Wine Society will be at the opening reception featuring eastern wines that earned medals in the American Wine Society Commercial Wine Competition. Stop by the American Wine Society booth at the trade show and say hi. Contact the national office ( for the exclusive promo code for American Wine Society members.